

906, 2023

How to Care For Your Acrylic Panels

June 9, 2023|

Acrylic panels can be seen almost everywhere these days. In Manila alone, Acrylic sheets may be seen left and right, used for all kinds of purposes and industries. Its versatility, while giving a cheap alternative to much more expensive materials, makes acrylic sheets a top choice for consumers and business [...]

605, 2023

4 Attributes that Make Acrylic Panels an Economical Choice

May 6, 2023|

Acrylic Sheets are commonly used in many establishments, homes, and public places. They are used in various applications, such as sneeze guards, basketball boards, fish tanks, and many more. The fact that acrylic sheets are widely used and are trusted materials across all industries proves that acrylic sheets are an [...]

504, 2023

Signages Can Make or Break Your Business

April 5, 2023|

Signages on a business front can be essential in several ways. It attracts customers, it allows people to remember you through visual branding, and it’s a fool-proof, cost-effective strategy of marketing that could only serve you more pros than cons. There’s no denying that signages are a must. Given that [...]

1003, 2023

How to DIY an Acrylic Organizer in 7 Steps

March 10, 2023|

Acrylic organizers are a sure hit among the current aesthetic trends. If you’ve been anywhere on social media lately, chances are you’ve already seen a pantry restocking video. A running feature among them are their seemingly endless supply of gorgeous acrylic organizers.   So now, you’ve seen the vision and [...]

702, 2023

Acrylic Sheets and Where You’ve Seen Them

February 7, 2023|

Have you ever been to the bank recently and saw a transparent material separating the teller from the customer? You thought it was glass but upon closer inspection, you found out it was some sort of plastic. Those transparent thermoplastics are called Acrylic Sheets, often used as an alternative for [...]

2301, 2023

What is Laser Cutting?

January 23, 2023|

You might come to see a laser cutting video on your timeline tagged under the hashtag satisfying videos, and rightfully, it is. While the process seems to be complicated, the technicality behind it is actually easier to explain.  Laser cutting is a production process under the Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) [...]

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